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Høst 2025

BED-2325 Tourism Management - 7.5 stp

The course is administrated by

Handelshøgskolen ved UiT

Type of course

This course can be taken as a singular course.

Course contents

Tourism is one of the largest industries in the world, and there is an increased need for tourism management knowledge. This course in tourism management aims to provide an introduction to tourism management, that will enable the students to understand tourism both from a supply and demand side.

The students will gain knowledge of several aspects that are important to comprehend the dynamics of tourism.

By active use of cases the students will be trained to think about how sustainable development can be maintained within international tourism. The course is taught in a way that focus on co-creative learning activities and practices. Discussion based lectures, seminars, cases, and company visits.

Admission requirements

Nordic applicants: Generell studiekompetanse

International applicants: Higher Education Entrance Qualification and certified language requirements in English.

A list of the requirements for the Higher Education Entrance Qualification in Norway can be found on the web site from the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT). For language requirements we refer to NOKUT's GSU-list.

Application code: 9199 (Nordic applicants).

Objective of the course


After completion of the course the candidate will:


General competence:

Language of instruction


Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars, cases, and company visits.