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Høst 2025

BED-2321 Experience Development - 7.5 stp

The course is administrated by

Handelshøgskolen ved UiT

Type of course

This course can be taken as a singular course.

Course overlap

BED-2136 Experience Development 7.5 ects

Course contents

The experience society is upon us, it has also been described as the experience economy. We have seen economic shifts from the industrial economy to the service economy and from the service economy to the experience economy. People engage in and search for experiences as part of their daily lives, as well in a vacation context. This course gives insight into this change in society and how experience development takes place. As a foundation for this is the recognition of experiences as an economic offering, being the essence of what consumers want and providing potential for future economic growth. Experiences are crucial in marketing but also relates to experiences of nature, goods, sports activities, and culture. In this course, co-creation of experiences is essential, where the co-creators (provider, consumer, setting) together are part of forming the experience. Creating value and acknowledging which elements and actions that forms the experiencescape is a central aspect of this course. The course also addresses consumption of lifestyle products, identity, and culture of the consumers. The concept of value will also be debated. Moreover, businesses worldwide face a fundamental change in the ways that consumers interact with each other, and consumers now have a stronger voice. Their attitudes and recommendations give them considerable power over marketers and brands, and organizations therefore need to pay attention to their influence.

Admission requirements

Nordic applicants: Generell studiekompetanse

International applicants: Higher Education Entrance Qualification and certified language requirements in English.

A list of the requirements for the Higher Education Entrance Qualification in Norway can be found on the web site from the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT). For language requirements we refer to NOKUT's GSU-list.

Application code: 9199 (Nordic applicants).

Objective of the course


After completion of the course the candidate will know how:


After completion of the course the candidate will be able to:

General competence:

After completion of the course the candidate will be able to:

Language of instruction


Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars, cases, and company visits, excursion.