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Høst 2025

BED-2320 Retail Management - 7.5 stp

The course is administrated by

Handelshøgskolen ved UiT

Type of course

Nordic applicants: Generell studiekompetanse

International applicants: Higher Education Entrance Qualification and certified language requirements in English.

A list of the requirements for the Higher Education Entrance Qualification in Norway can be found on the web site from the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT). For language requirements we refer to NOKUT's GSU-list.

Application code: 9199 (Nordic applicants).

Course overlap

BED-2145 Consumer Behaviour and Active Retailing 7.5 ects

Course contents

This course delves into the essential concepts of retail management and in-store marketing, with a particular emphasis on brick-and-mortar retail operations. This involves topics such as retail strategy, competitive advantage, retail formats, assortment, location, omni-channel retailing, store design, store migration patterns, consumer metrics, decision-making, and principles for active retailing.

Objective of the course




Language of instruction

Teaching language is English. It will be in Norwegian if there are no exchange students registered in the course. Norwegian students can write the Exam in Norwegian.

Teaching methods

A combination of classroom lectures (physical), digital lectures, and field excursions.