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Vår 2025
MUS-3408 Conducting and ensemble teaching - 30 stp
The course is administrated by
Type of course
Course overlap
Course contents
Objective of the course
After completing the course the student will have the following competences:
- knowledge of conducting of at least three different types of ensembles of the student's choice
- deeper knowledge of one chosen type of ensemble
- knowledge of repertoire, performance traditions, and artistic practice
- ability to instruct and lead an ensemble at a high technical and artistic level
- ability to realise and convey artistic intentions
- familiarity with current quality standards within the field of conducting
- ability to identify relevant ethical dimensions
Language of instruction
Teaching methods
The first semester will include observation, instruction/supervision, and trying out three different ensembles of the student's choice. Teaching will be largely concentrated on projects. In the spring semester the student will concentrate on one chosen ensemble where all the ensemble's activities will be included in the instruction.
Supervision can make use of digital technology/video recordings of rehearsals and concerts. A student's own permanent ensemble can be used.
The student will keep a work log that records and describes their work and reflections during the course.
There will be a written task connected to the chosen ensemble.
The semester plan for each semester will be made in co-ordination with the teacher.