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Vår 2025
MAT-2300 Algebra 1 - 10 stp
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Course contents
Admission requirements
Applicants from Nordic countries: Generell studiekompetanse og følgende spesielle opptakskrav:
Matematikk R1 + R2 og i tillegg enten:
- Fysikk 1 + 2 eller
- Kjemi 1+ 2 eller
- Biologi 1 + 2 eller
- Informasjonsteknologi 1 + 2 eller
- Geofag 1 + 2 eller
- Teknologi og forskningslære 1 + 2
International applicants: Higher Education Entrance Qualification and certified language requirements in English. It is a requirement that students have some prior knowledge of biology and ecology, chemistry and mathematics (Participants must have taken introductory level university courses, and achieved pass grades, in these subjects).
A list of the requirements for the Higher Education Entrance Qualification in Norway can be found on the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education website -
Recommended prerequisites is MAT-1004 Linear algebra or equal .
Application code is 9336.
Objective of the course
The students should know, and be able to use, the following concepts in simple problems:
- groups and subgroups
- cyclic groups
- normal subgroups
- permutation groups
- the structure theorem for finitely generated abelian groups
- homomorphisms and isomorphisms
- quotient groups
- rings and subrings
- integral domains
- quotient fields
- polynomials
- ideals
- fields and subfields
- field extensions
- algebraic extensions
- unique factorization domains