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Vår 2025
KJE-2310 BSc project in Chemical Synthesis and Analysis - 10 stp
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Type of course
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Course contents
The project aims to introduce the student to problems and research activities ongoing in the Chemical Synthesis and Analysis group. The student will learn to 2 combine and apply knowledge and skills in an independent study. The student will also learn how to combine information from literature and/or own results to write a report or project on a given topic.
A project can be given by the research groups associated with the Division in Chemical Synthesis and Analysis at the Department of Chemistry, depending on capacity. The project can be theoretical and/or practical in nature, and the student must write a report at the end of the project.
Admission requirements
Formal prerequisites:
Applicants from Nordic countries: KJE-1001 and KJE-1002 or equivalent
International applicants: Higher Education Entrance Qualification and certified language requirements in English. It is a requirement that students have some prior knowledge of chemistry and/or biology (participants must have taken introductory level university courses, and achieved pass grades, in these subjects).
A list of the requirements for the Higher Education Entrance Qualification in Norway can be found on the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education website -
Application code: 9197 (Nordic applicants).
Recommended prerequisites:
- KJE-1003, KJE-1004 and KJE-1006, or equivalent
Obligatory prerequisites
Objective of the course
The student will have expanded proficiency within relevanttopics in chemistry. This means that the student
- can use and expand knowledge obtained in bachelor level chemistry courses relevant for the project
- can describe and explain the main elements in theories relevant for the project
- can relate the project to a broader theoretic and practical context
- can suggest relevant research methods to approach a given hypothesis
- can describe and explain the background for methods, which have been used in the project
- can apply skills obtained in bachelor level chemistry courses to a defined, specific problem with focus on research ongoing in the Chemical Synthesis and Analysis group
- can plan and perform a chemistry project on bachelor level
- can find and analyse relevant literature references and methods
- can give an overview over relevant work done by others within the same topic as the project
- can apply appropriate scientific methods, equipment and instruments to approach the research hypothesis or topic
- for practical projects, can analyze and interpret experimental data relevant to the topic of the project
- can document and communicate the work and the results from the project in a professional and scientific manner
- can communicate clearly and concisely background and results for a project
- can find and analyse research literature
- can follow regulations and ethical guidelines for scientific work
- can work both independently and in collaboration with a supervisor on a project