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Vår 2025

INE-3607 CAD/CAM - 5 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for industriell teknologi

Type of course

The course can be taken as a single course.

Course contents

An introductory course to the manufacturing process of mechanical parts using computer-aided techniques. The course includes both design as computer aided design and preparation and programming for manufacturing as computer-aided manufacturing. The course will be taught both with lectures, collective runthrough of user-cases from the industry and lab-work. The main topics in this course will include:

Admission requirements

A relevant undergraduate Bachelor Engineering program with minimum 25 credits mathematics, 5 credits statistics, 7,5 credits physics

Application code: 9371

Objective of the course

The course aims at establishing understanding of the basic knowledge about principles of CAD and CAM systems on an intermediate level. It will serve as the foundation for the proficiency needed to create a process cycle from concept to production at part and assembly level and understanding how each part of the cycle influences the decisions made during the process cycle. The process cycle here defined as the design based on mathematical principles, engineering drawings that provides instructions for manufacturing and computer-assisted programming of manufacturing. In addition, an introduction to practical manufacturing.

Knowledge and understanding:



Language of instruction


Teaching methods

Lectures, user-cases and laboratory work. In addition, exercises performed with computers.