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Vår 2025
GEO-3112 Sedimentary Processes and Products - 10 stp
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Type of course
Course contents
This course has emphasis on depositional processes and sedimentary products (facies) in various clastic depositional environments. It starts with an introduction to flow dynamics, sediment transport mechanisms and sediment texture, as well as theory on the formation of bedforms and associated sedimentary structures. Next, the course provides an overview of depositional processes and the architecture and spatial distribution of their products in primarily colluvial/alluvial, fluvial, tidal/estuarine, deltaic, littoral/shallow marine, shelf to slope and deep marine environments. Stratigraphic principles, and the application and limitation of generalized and predictive facies models will be discussed.
Lectures, seminars and exercises are combined to give a solid theoretical background for understanding sedimentary architecture in a broad range of depositional systems. Facies analysis of drill cores (from Svalbard) and fieldwork will provide practical experience in collecting, interpreting, and critically assess sedimentological data. Fieldwork will be based on modern and late Quaternary depositional environments in the Tromsø region, where active processes and recent sediments can be compared with analogous sediments exposed in raised sections.
Admission requirements
Bachelor's degree in geology, or a similar degree following a programme of study of at least three years, or similar education approved in accordance with the Norwegian Universities Act section 3-4. In addition, specialization in geology worth the equivalent of at least 80 ECTS credits is required. Normally, an average mark of C or better is required at the bachelor's degree level or other program for basis of admission. For international applicants: International admissions | UiT
Application code: 9371.
Objective of the course
The student has
- advanced understanding of physical processes governing sediment transport and deposition.
- advanced understanding of the relationship between sedimentary structures, depositional processes, and depositional environments.
- knowledge on typical sedimentary facies and architectures in different depositional environments (primarily colluvial/alluvial, fluvial, tidal/estuarine, deltaic, littoral/shallow marine, shelf to slope and deep marine environments).
- advanced understanding of the basic concepts and purpose of facies analysis, and knows how it can be used to systemize observations in order to unravel depositional controls.
- understanding of the applications, strengths, and limitations of siliciclastic facies models.
- knowledge of the basic controls on deposition and how it is recorded by sedimentary stacking patterns and stratigraphic architecture.
The student can
- identify and classify sedimentary textures and structures in clastic sediments.
- apply the understanding of sedimentary processes and depositional products to interpret and discuss alternative depositional models.
- analyze sedimentary facies and architecture, and distinguish between sediments deposited in a wide range of depositional environments.
- perform a basic facies analysis of a sedimentary succession and systematically organize field observations to strengthen own interpretations.
- critically assess published facies models and other well-established concepts, and be aware of their strengths and limitations.
- discuss possible controls on deposition based on observed sedimentary stacking patterns and stratigraphic architecture.
General competences
The student can
- collect and use various data to gain understanding of sedimentary systems.
- analyze sedimentological data and discuss alternative models in a team.
- develop models and interpretations based on own observations and data in combination with conceptual models from the literature.
- solve problems analytically and prompt in written English and present research results orally in plenum.