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Vår 2025
FYS-2024 Solar and wind energy systems - 10 stp
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Type of course
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Course contents
This course will cover electricity generation using solar and wind energy systems. The course focus on the physical concept and modelling of the two energy resources, and the transformation to electricity.
Topics covered related to solar energy: Solar energy density, spectral characteristics, photovoltaic (PV) cells and modules, solar energy site modelling, adapting and sizing of solar energy systems for various end users.
Topics covered related to wind energy: Wind energy atlas, wind turbine technology, wind data analysis and statistics, wind resource assessment and siting.
Admission requirements
Admission requirements are generell studiekompetanse + SIVING.
Local admission, application code 9391 - singular courses in engineering sciences.
Objective of the course
Knowledge - the student can:
- Explain the basics driving mechanism for wind
- Explain the principles, assumptions, and limitations behind a wind atlas
- Describe the different parts in a wind turbine and their use
- Explain the solar energy resource, its potential and limitations
- Describe how solar radiation is converted to electrical energy in solar cells and modules
- Describe important factors when sizing and constructing a solar energy system
Skills - the student can:
- understand time series of solar and wind data
- calculate the power production for a wind turbine
- set up and run basic wind farm models
- estimate the annual energy production of a wind farm
- calculate the power production in a PV module
- set up and run basic solar energy system models
General competence - the student can:
- describe integration and intermittency issues related to solar and wind energy in the energy market
- explain how numerical solar and wind energy models can be used to investigate the renewable energy resources
Language of instruction
Teaching methods
Lectures: 50 hours
Lab: 30 hours