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Vår 2025
ELE-3607 Power Electronics - 5 stp
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Type of course
Course contents
The course will introduce the student to power electronic components and basic circuits for DC-DC and DC-AC energy conversion. Familiarizing with hardware, measurement techniques and safety is ensured through extensive laboratory work during the course.
Power Electronic fundamentals:
- Basic functionality of semiconductor switches
- Driver circuits
- Established and future transistor technology
- Electric circuit design and analysis
- Energy sources and conversion
- Magnetic design and analysis
- Simulations using SPICE and MATLAB/Simulink
Power Electronic circuits
- Switched circuits
- Rectifier circuits
- Line controlled thyristor converters
- DC-DC switched mode converters (Buck, Boost, Buck-boost)
- Flyback converters
- Full-bridge converter
- DC-AC inverters
- Hard and soft switching
- Power factor correction
- Snubber circuits
- Practical converter design
- Application of power electronic converters
Admission requirements
A relevant undergraduate Bachelor Engineering program with minimum 25 credits mathematics, 5 credits statistics, 7,5 credits physics
Application code: 9371
Objective of the course
After passing this course, the student shall have the following learning outcome:
- The candidate will be able to explain the use of transistors, thyristors and diodes in switched circuits
- The candidate will be able to explain how power conversion can be performed using power electronics and pulse with modulation
- The candidate will know the basic converter topologies (Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost and full-bridge) for converting one DC voltage into another.
- The candidate will be able to explain how DC can be converted to AC using power electronic switches
- The candidate will know the principle of resonant and soft switching converters
- The candidate will know the main sources of energy losses in power electronic circuits
- The candidate will have knowledge on running experiments and conducting measurements in a laboratory environment
- The candidate will be able to derive mathematical models for electrical circuits with linear and switched elements
- The candidate will be able to simulate power electronic circuits in SPICE and Simulink
- The candidate will be able to calculate component values for DC-DC converters
- The candidate will be able to design driver circuits controlling power transistors
- The candidate will be able to design and build inductors based on prefabricated cores
- The candidate will be able to design a controller for DC to AC converters with desired output frequency and voltage
- The candidate can apply power factor correction and snubber circuits to increase power quality in power electronic converters
- The candidate will be able to perform measurements, analysis and troubleshooting on power electronic circuits
- The candidate will be able to realize control algorithms by using rapid prototyping systems (dSpace)
General competence:
- The candidate will have basic knowledge on the use of power electronics in energy production, motor drives and power supplies.
- The candidate will aware of power electronics role towards sustainable societies and electrification, reduced energy consumption, and renewable energy.