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Vår 2025
DTE-3604 Applied Geometry and Special Effects - 5 stp
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Course contents
This course is a project-based subject. There will be lectures spred out over the entire teacher-led two-week period. Most of the time shall still be used for the project. (Total workload for the course is estimated at 135 hours).
- Representation of geometry and parameterization
- Evaluators and algorithms for Bezier and B-spline
- B-functions, B-splines and blending
- Expo-rational B-splines (blending splines)
- Tessellation
- Advanced morphing
- Dynamic change of shape
- Interactive editing of curves and surfaces
Project work
- The project must result in a report and a computer program including source code and executable program.
- A version control system must be used (git)
Admission requirements
A relevant undergraduate Bachelor degree in Engineering program in computer science or equivalent.
In addition, the following requirements must be met:
- minimum 25 credits in mathematics (equivalent to Mathematical Methods 1, 2 og 3), 5 credits in statistics and 7,5 ects i physics on a higher level is required.
Application Code: 9371
Required prerequisite knowledge: This course is an extension of END-3607 Geometric modeling
- Master-level course in Numerical Methods
- Master-level course in Linear Algebra 2
- Master-level course in Graph Theory
- Master-level course in programming in C++
- Master-level course in Computer graphics
- Master-level course in Geometric Modelling
Objective of the course
On completion of the course, the successful student is expected to have the following:
- Special knowledge in the field of combination of geometric modelling and programming.
- Have knowledge about splines, blending theory, tessellations and implementation of these.
- The candidate will work independently with problems, by analyzing the problem and make plans for solving them
- The candidate will be able independently to make big and/or complex computer programs running on different platforms
- The candidate can find, analyze and deal critically with various sources of information and use them in development and in argumentation
- The candidate will be able to write a longer continuous report and present research clearly in written work and in general communicate knowledge orally and in writing
General Competence:
- Understand that geometry is fundamental in computer games, simulators, computation and heavy computer systems in general.
- The candidate is influenced to maintain and develop curiosity and values such as openness, precision and the importance of separating between knowledge and opinions.
- The candidate can contribute to new thinking and innovation processes in cooperation with experts from other fields.