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Vår 2025
BIO-3518 Northern inland waters and global change - 10 stp
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Type of course
Master course for biology students - principally aimed at MSc-students specializing in Freshwater Ecology. Also open for "Lektor i realfag trinn 8-13 - master" with biology background.
Maximum 16 students.
Course overlap
Course contents
Objective of the course
Students will learn:
- Fundamental concepts in limnology and freshwater ecology, with a focus on key physical, chemical and biological processes in northern streams, rivers and lakes
- The role of inland waters in the northern landscape, taking a ‘catchment to coast’ approach to understand links between land, inland waters and the sea.
- Key impacts of ongoing global change (climate change in particular) on northern inland waters and the services they provide
- Selected current field and lab methods in limnology and freshwater ecology, including analysis and interpretation of resulting data
Students will have the ability to:
- Actively engage with scientific literature in the fields of limnology, freshwater ecology, and global change ecology
- Synthesize and integrate concepts presented in lectures, course readings, and hands-on activities
- Apply core methods in field sampling, lab analysis, and data interpretation
- Take an interdisciplinary and holistic approach when discussing key drivers, processes, and ongoing changes in northern inland waters, and how this understanding can be applied for management of these ecosystems.
General competence:
- Acquire a critical view of published scientific literature on the topic
- Competence in leading discussion sessions with peers
- Understand scientific literature, interpret figures and data, write reports and present scientific literature to a diverse audience
Language of instruction
Teaching methods
The course consists of lectures, seminars, and field/laboratory activities. Safety training for laboratory and field work will be provided by the instructor(s) before starting each activity.
The combination of targeted lectures, interactive seminars/discussions (e.g. paper critiques, student-led discussion panels/debates), and hands on activities (field work, lab analysis, data skills development through problem sets) will provide students with the expertise and knowledge to further develop their skills and competence within northern inland freshwater ecosystems.