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Høst 2024

ELE-3611 Programming - 5 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for elektroteknologi

Type of course

Theoretical subject. Can be taken as a single subject.

Course contents

Introduction to Computers and Programming

Input, Processing, and Output

Decision Structures and Boolean Logic

Repetition Structures



Files and Exceptions

Lists and Tuples

More About Strings

Dictionaries and Sets

Classes and object-oriented programming

GUI programming

Selected external package for data analysis / visualizing

Admission requirements

A relevant undergraduate Bachelor Engineering program with minimum 25 credits mathematics, 5 credits statistics, 7,5 credits physics.

Suggested prerequisites: A course in basic programming at bachelor level.

Application code 9371

Objective of the course

After completing the subject, the students will have the following learning outcome:

Knowledge and understanding:


General competence:

Language of instruction


Teaching methods

Self-study (digital textbook, other text and possibly videos), lectures, lab: work mandatory and voluntary exercises with teacher support

Lecture: approx 1hour, followed by lab exercises 1 - 4 hours where students work with mandatory or voluntary exercises.