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Høst 2024

INF-2300 Computer Communication - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for informatikk

Type of course

The course can be taken as a singular course.

Course overlap

INF-2301 Computer communication and security 5 ects

Course contents

The course focuses on properties of communication between computers, and the machinery needed to facilitate the communication. Among the properties are those arising from the uncertainty of delivery, the omnipresence of errors, and lack of global consistence and authority. The course also introduce how to develop and use high level distributed programming abstractions including RPC/RMI, Web Services, Publish-Subscribe systems, and similar.

Admission requirements

Higher Education Entrance Qualification + specific entrance requirements equivalent to MATRS: R1/(S1+S2). Application code: 9354 - Singular course in computer science.

Objective of the course

Knowledge - The student has:

Skills - The student can:

General competence - The student:

Language of instruction

The language of instruction is English and all of the syllabus material is in English. Examination questions will be given in English, but may be answered either in English or a Scandinavian language.

Teaching methods

Lectures: 30 hours, Colloquium: 30 hours, Lab: 30 hours. The course is given every autumn semester.