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Høst 2024
HEL-3066 Protocol Development for MPH Thesis - 10 stp
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Type of course
The course is an elective course for students enrolled in the MPH program directly, or through our exchange programs indirectly.
Aim of the course is to guide the students in developing a research protocol for the master project. During the course we will summarize relevant information from the previous courses and take the students through the steps of protocol development: definition of the research question, current state of knowledge, systematic literature search and critical appraisal of studies and existing evidence, study design and procedures, ethical considerations, dissemination, scientific writing and outline of the protocol.
Full time students can take the course after completing the two first semesters of the MPH program (60 ECTS). Part time students should ideally plan the course the semester before writing their Master's Thesis It is a prerequisite for the course to have an outline for the master project (topic and a short description approved by the MPH program) and a supervisor.
Course contents
The main focus of this course is the development of a complete and detailed scientific protocol for the Master's Thesis in the MPH program. During the course the following topics will be covered:
- Protocol outline (content, format, templates)
- Development of a research question (aims/hypothesis)
- Systematic literature search and critical appraisal methods
- Protocol specific literature review
- Scientific writing and presentation
- Relevant study design and procedures
- Timeline development
- Peer review and giving constructive feedback
- Plagiarism
Objective of the course
After completion of the course the student should be able to:
- understand why it is important to develop a research protocol for a scientific project
- identify the key principles, challenges, and ethical aspects in the development of a research protocol
- justify choice of a research question and scientific methods, including literature search and critical appraisal methods, choice of study design and procedures
- identify key principles of scientific writing relevant for the development of a research protocol
- identify ethical aspects related to a project and formal approvals required
- identify key challenges in the protocol development and what can help to deal with them
- identify key principles of peer review and providing constructive feedback
- explain what plagiarism is and how to avoid it
- formulate a good research question and objectives
- outline a detailed and structured project protocol
- find relevant and up to date literature, critically read and appraise scientific articles within health sciences
- critically assess conflicting findings and arguments from epidemiological research and summarize it properly, identify knowledge gaps
- choose relevant scientific methods, describe them properly and justify your choice
- apply main principles of scientific writing
- identify resource availability and important milestones in the project, and create a project timeline
- critically evaluate the scientific content of a research protocol and give constructive feedback
General competence
- develop a good research protocol for a master project in the field of public health