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Høst 2024

GEO-3135 Rock-slope failures: Geology, hazard and monitoring - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for geovitenskap

Type of course

This course is available as a single course. This is a intensive course, with a theoretical part and a field excursion part in the fall, late August or early September.

Course contents

Within the scope of this course the students will get theoretical and applied training in hazard assessment and monitoring of unstable rock slopes. The course builds on the students prior geological knowledge, and aims to give a wide ranging understanding of rock-slope failure theory, from rock mechanics, structure and kinematics, to landslide types and hazard characterisation.

Students will learn about and apply methods for characterisation of unstable rock slopes including field mapping, desktop mapping, drone technology and photogrammetry, monitoring and instrumentation and remote sensing methods. Furthermore, students will learn how to characterize and assess the slope hazard (and secondary effects) using numerical modelling techniques and the Norwegian risk assessment system.

The field course component will introduce the student to multiple types of rock-slope hazards in the dramatic north Troms mountain environment. Practical exercises and field investigations will give the students a systematic approach to the topic.

Admission requirements

Bachelor's degree in geology, or a similar degree following a programme of study of at least three years, or similar education approved in accordance with the Norwegian Universities Act section 3-4. In addition, specialization in geology worth the equivalent of at least 80 ECTS credits is required. Normally, an average mark of C or better is required at the bachelor's degree level or other program for basis of admission.

Application code: 9371.

Objective of the course


The student has


The student can

General competences

The student can

Language of instruction

The language of instruction is English and all the syllabus material is in English. Examination questions will be given in English.

Teaching methods

The course will be given as an intensive course over two weeks with 16 hours of lectures, 8 hours of seminars, 16 hours of exercises, 4 hours of laboratory work, and five days of field course/excursion.