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Høst 2024
GEO-3122 Micropalaeontology - 5 stp
The course is administrated by
Institutt for geovitenskap
Type of course
This course is available as a single course.
Course contents
The most important microfossil groups will be presented with respect to their systematics, ecology, evolution and stratigraphy. Marine microfossils will be focused on, in particular the foraminifera. The exercises will demonstrate microfossils, sample preparation and identification. A cruise on a research vessel (e.g., R/V Helmer Hanssen) to areas around Tromsø to sample live benthic foraminifera to be counted and identified is included in the exercises for this course.
Admission requirements
Bachelor's degree in geology, or a similar degree following a programme of study of at least three years duration, or similar education approved in accordance with the Norwegian Universities Act section 3-4. In addition, specialization in geology worth the equivalent of at least 80 ECTS credits is required. Normally, an average mark of C or better is required at the bachelor's degree level or other programme for basis of admission. Application code: 9371.
Objective of the course
The student has
- knowledge of the most important microfossil groups, their systematics, biology, and geological history.
- knowledge of the use of microfossils in ecology, evolution, and stratigraphy.
- knowledge of the general use of the microfossils in palaeoclimatic/-oceanographic studies.
- knowledge and understanding of the advantages/disadvantages of use of the various groups of microfossils for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.
The student can
- prepare samples and identify microfossils.
- handle and process surface samples of living benthic foraminiferal samples from slope, shelf, and fjords in Troms and West Finnmark.
- perform microscopy for counts and identification of living benthic foraminifera.
- use data to make comprehensive ecological interpretation and discussion of living benthic foraminiferal faunas from two different environmental settings.
- conduct marine geological fieldwork with a research vessel (e.g., R/V Helmer Hanssen) to retrieve gravity cores, box-cores, plankton tows, seismic and acoustic data, and use these data for finding good sampling locations.
General competences
The student can
- understand the specific use of marine microfossils in stratigraphy, and reconstructions of past changes in the climatic-oceanographic system.
- prepare and initiate a master project in palaeoceanography and palaeoclimate.
- read and write about scientific results in English.
Language of instruction
The language of instruction is English and all the syllabus material is in English. Examination questions will be given in English.
Teaching methods
22 hours of lectures, 32 hours of exercises, a cruise and a day in the lab after the cruise.