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Høst 2024
ENG-3192 Literary and Cultural Theory - 10 stp
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Type of course
This course is intended for students in the master's programme in English Literature and students in the master's programme in teacher education year 8-13 (lektorutdanning trinn 8-13, studieretning engelsk, jf. progresjonskrav for år 4).
This course may be taken as a single course by students who qualify for admission to the master's programme in English Literature. Please see the admission requirements section.
Course contents
Admission requirements
Bachelor's degree (180 ECTS), or equivalent qualification, in English literature, or a degree combining English literature and a closely-related discipline (minimum 80 ECTS in English). An average grade equivalent to C or better (in the Norwegian grading system) is required.
Application code: 9371 - Enkeltemner på masternivå (Nordic applicants).
Objective of the course
The students have the following learning outcomes:
Students will:
- acquire a working knowledge of significant movements in twentieth century literary theory.
- recognize the significance of theoretical thought to the appreciation and understanding of literature and culture.
- learn methods of applying literary and cultural theories to works of literature;
Students will:
- develop an ability to articulate the broader ways in which literary theory applies to their own culture, global culture, and their own lives;
- learn to compare and synthesize the theories presented;
- demonstrate their ability to relate to theoretical concepts both orally, through class participation, and in written form, in their responses and paper; and
- locate, cite, and intelligently incorporate several sources into their final paper and shorter essays.
Language of instruction
Teaching methods
The course will be taught over thirteen weeks of two-hour seminars. There will be teaching-free periods for academic supervision.
Quality assurance:
All courses undergo an evaluation once in a 2-year period at the master's level.