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Høst 2024
ELE-3601 Renewable Energy - Generation and Conversion - 5 stp
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Course contents
Admission requirements
A relevant undergraduate Bachelor degree in Engineering program in power electronics and electrical machines. Basic knowledge in power systems is also an advantage.
In addition, the following requirements must be met:
- minimum 25 credits in mathematics (equivalent to Mathematical Methods 1, 2 og 3), 5 credits in statistics and 7,5 ects i physics on a higher level is required.
Application Code: 9371
Suggested Prerequisite(s) General qualification of electrical engineering expertise at bachelor level
Objective of the course
After completed course the candidate should have the following learning outcome:
- how to plan, design and construct renewable energy plants.
- understanding the different energy carriers technical and economic characteristics.
-understand how the interaction between different energy carriers can be utilized to obtain an optimal energy system.
- understand grid integration issues.
- explain the characteristics of renewable energy sources.
- know the consenting process.
- be able to make simple calculations, and analyses.
- do system assessments for integration of renewable energy sources.
General competence:
- understand the similarities and differences between renewable energy sources.
- understand the planning and design processes.
- understand grid integration issues and grid code requirements.
- understand how assess, technical, economical and environmental issues.