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Høst 2024

BYG-3801 Fluid Mechanics - 5 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for bygg, energi og materialteknologi

Type of course

The course can be taken as a single course.

Course overlap

SMN6197 Fluid Mechanics 5 ects

Course contents

Introduction to Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics: fluid characteristics, elementary fluid dynamics, fluid kinematics, differential analysis of fluid flow, flow over immersed bodies, lift & drag, differential analysis of fluid flow, dimensional analysis, similitude & modelling, viscous flow in pipes, turbomachines and ventilation & pressure distribution in buildings.

Student project - Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD): The students are going to investigate a fluid flow problem using numerical simulations and to make the necessary documentation and reporting from the project.

Topic for student project will selected by the students themselves and report-format will be given by lecturer.

Students have to pass the student project prior to the exam.

Admission requirements

1. Integrated building technology

Bachelor's degree or equivalent in building / construction engineering, or HVAC / energy engineering. Applicants with other subject combinations (energy and environment, fire, etc.) are assessed separately.

Regulations on admission to studies at UiT state that in order to be admitted to a master's degree program of 120 credits, there are requirements for specialization in subjects, courses or subject groups of a minimum of 80 credits or integrated education of a minimum of 120 credits. For the field of study Integrated Building Technology, the requirement for professional specialization within the subject areas building / construction, house building technology, construction technology or HVAC / energy technology applies. Applicants with other specializations may be admitted after special assessment.

In addition, there is a requirement for basic knowledge of at least 25 credits in mathematics (cf. Mathematics 1, 2 and 3), at least 5 credits in statistics / probability and at least 7.5 credits in physics in accordance with the framework plan for the Bachelor of Engineering.

2. Water and sewage technology

Bachelor's degree or equivalent in construction engineering, civil engineering, water and sewerage engineering, environmental engineering, HVAC engineering and energy technology. Applicants with other subject combinations (water sciences, sanitary and environmental sciences, hydrology / hydraulics, etc.) are considered separately.

Regulations on admission to studies at UiT state that in order to be admitted to a master's degree program of 120 credits, there are requirements for specialization in subjects, courses or subject groups of a minimum of 80 credits or integrated education of a minimum of 120 credits. For the field of study Water and Sewerage Technology, the requirement for professional specialization in construction, water and sewerage technology, civil engineering and HVAC applies. Applicants with other specializations can be admitted after special assessment. Basic knowledge of water and drainage technology is recommended.

In addition, there is a requirement for basic knowledge of at least 25 credits in mathematics (cf. Mathematics 1, 2 and 3), at least 5 credits in statistics / probability and at least 7.5 credits in physics in accordance with the framework plan for the Bachelor of Engineering.

Application code: 9371

Objective of the course

After passing this course the student should have obtained the following learning outcome:

Knowledge and understanding

The student shall have the knowledge and understanding about;


The student should be able to;


Language of instruction


Teaching methods

Lectures: 20 hours x 2 weeks;

Supervised exercises/student project 6 hours