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Vår 2024
BIO-2010 Marine Ecology - 10 stp
The course is administrated by
Institutt for arktisk og marin biologi
Type of course
The course is available for students at the study program Bachelor in Biology (first priority) and exchange students at a biology study program. The course is available as a singular course. Students are encouraged to also take BIO-2516 Ocean Climate and BIO-2513 Marin biodiversitet (Please note! Norwegian taught course).
Course overlap
BIO-1501 Aquatic Ecology 5 ects
Course contents
This course is an introduction to the marine ecosystems in northern and Arctic areas. We study the influence of physical parameters, currents and topography on populations of pelagic and benthic organisms, as well as biological interactions between them. We discuss the factors that trigger the vernal bloom and initiate feeding, reproduction and dispersion in the pelagic realm, and the fate of this biomass in the ecosystem. Students will work in groups to prepare oral presentations about selected topics. A short research cruise will give the students practice in collecting and analyzing with samples of plankton, benthos and fish, work in groups and organize work under guidance. Students will prepare a written report describing the cruise sampling and results.
Admission requirements
Applicants from Nordic countries must have:
Generell studiekompetanse, samt følgende spesielle opptakskrav:
Matematikk R1 eller matematikk S1+S2 og i tillegg ett av følgende programfag:
- Matematikk (R1+R2)
- Fysikk (1+2)
- Kjemi (1+2)
- Biologi (1+2)
- Informasjonsteknologi (1+2)
- Geofag (1+2)
- Teknologi og forskningslære (1+2)
Application code: 9197 (Nordic applicants).
It is a requirement that students have a background of a minimum 10 ECTS in ecology, 15 ECTS in zoology and botany and 5 ECTS in statistics.
The course is limited to maximum 35 students due to limited capacity on the boat.
Objective of the course
After having completed the course, students will be able to
- explain how the physical environment affects marine organisms and communities, including dispersal and zonation of populations, and climate effects.
- describe the differences between estuarine, coastal and oceanic biotopes
- compare the general features of the classical marine food chain and the microbial loop
- discuss the importance of seasonal variations and the consequences for life cycles in pelagic populations
- describe processes that link pelagic and benthic environments
- give examples of how human activities may impact marine habitats
- discuss threats (e.g. ocean acidification, fishing, climate change and invasive species) and solutions to sustainability of marine ecosystems.
- Use common field sampling gear and standard lab equipment for the investigation of different types of marine organisms
- Choose appropriate methods for simple investigations of marine organisms and biotopes
- Estimate abundance and biomass of pelagic and benthic organisms
- Interpret diagrams from a CTD-instrument and explain what this means for marine organisms
- Interpret and produce scientific graphs
General competence
- work independently and in collaboration with the processing of marine scientific samples and data
- to collect and summarize scientific information from articles and web sources
- present scientific results in written and oral form
Language of instruction
The language of instruction is English and all of the syllabus material is in English. Examination questions will be given in English, but may be answered either in English or a Scandinavian language.
Teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, lab. exercises and research cruise. The laboratory course and cruise is mandatory. Necessary safety training will be given.