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Vår 2024

BIO-2201 Bachelor's Thesis in Biology - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for arktisk og marin biologi

Type of course

This course is reserved for Bachelor students at the study program Biology.

The course is also available to exchange students at a biology study program.

Course overlap

BIO-2203 Bachelor's Thesis in Biology 10 ects

Course contents

The thesis may consist of practical/experimental work and/or a literature review on previous research on a given or self-chosen topic.

The purpose of the thesis work is that the student should learn how to approach a biological question by defining a specific goal or hypothesis after reviewing published literature. When practical/experimental work is conducted, the student should be able to design a plan to answer the research question. Results from the experimental work and/or litterature review should be presented in an appropriate legible form. The structure of the thesis should follow the same format as an article in a scientific journal (Table of contents, Abstract, Introduction, (Methods), Discussion, Conclusions, (Appendices) and References).

When writing a bachelor's thesis, you are entitled to a supervisor who is employed at the Department of Arctic and Marine Biology. It is the student's responsibility to find a supervisor, but the study administration can assist in getting in touch with subject staff within the discipline you want to write about.

Objective of the course



General competence:

Language of instruction

English. The bachelor`s assignment may be written either in English or a Scandinavian language.

Teaching methods

Individual studies and supervision.

Expected workload for writing a 10 ECTS bachelor thesis varies between 250 to 300 hours.