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Vår 2024
MAS-2603 Hydraulic Systems and Oil Hydraulics - 10 stp
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Type of course
Course contents
Basic concepts of fluids. Hydrostatics and hydrodynamics. Basic hydromechanics with ideal and real fluids. Energy conservation equation and mass conservation equation. Flow in the piping systems including networks. Pressure loss calculation through pipes. Pumps, water turbines and fans.
Basic schematic drawings. Sizing and selection of hydraulics motors and pumps. Pressure / volume-regulating valves: types, construction methods. Direction regulating valves: types, construction methods. Accumulators. Filters. Designing of complex hydraulic systems. Introduction to lubrication applications.
Admission requirements
Generell studiekompetanse og Matematikk R1+R2 og Fysikk 1.
Søkere som kan dokumentere ett av følgende kvalifiserer også for opptak:
- generell studiekompetanse og bestått realfagkurs, eller
- bestått 1-årig forkurs for ingeniørutdanning, eller
- 2-årig teknisk fagskole etter rammeplan fastsatt av departementet 1998/99 og tidligere studieordninger
*For å få opptak til enkeltemner på grunnlag av Y-veien, må søkeren oppfylle opptakskriteriene for Y-vei til studieprogrammet som emnet inngår i. I tillegg må søkeren oppfylle eventuelle forkunnskapskrav som er spesifisert for det konkrete emnet de søker opptak til. Det gis begrenset studierett til det spesifikke emnet - på samme måte som realkompetansesøkere.
Søknadskode: 9391
Objective of the course
Students should be given the knowledge on pipe systems, turbo machinery, pumps, water turbine systems and fans. Students will be able to dimension the pump, choosing the right pump type, understand the different water turbine construction and sizing of fans
Students will also be given knowledge of design and use of oil hydraulic power transmission systems and control systems. Students will be able to read wiring diagrams and descriptions in the instruction books and manuals. Students will also gain knowledge of modern management and regulation of hydraulic system using proportional hydraulics
The student will be able to apply relevant information for this type of work (LU-M-K-5)
Students will be able to design a system consisting of pumps, piping, supports, valves and other required elements to fulfil the power requirements stablished
Students will be able to read schematic drawings and have been given training in troubleshooting the oil hydraulic systems
Students should also be able to design oil hydraulic systems for industrial and mobile equipment
The skills will be useful in the bachelor thesis (LU-M-F-1.5)
General competences
Students can participate in product development and production systems and help in practical assessments, testing and simulation in terms of resource use, economics and security (LU-M-G-1.2).