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Vår 2024
TEK-8015 Multiphysics Simulation - 10 stp
The course is administrated by
Type of course
Doctorate level
Theoretical. (Åpen for UiT sine ph.d.-studenter (kategori 1) og åpen for følgende kategorier av enkeltemnestudenter:
- kategori 2: Deltakarar på UiT sitt førstelektorprogram som fyller utdanningskravet.
- kategori 3: Doktorgradsstudentar frå andre universitet.
- kategori 4: Personar med minimum mastergrad eller tilsvarande som ikkje er doktorgradsstudentar.)
Application codes for categories 2, 3, 4:
- 9301 For course with exam in August or January.
- 9303 For course with application deadline June 1 or December 1.
- 9305 For course with application deadline August 1 or February 1.
Last dates for course registration and registration for examination are September 1 for the fall semester, and February 1 for the spring semester.
PhD students or holders of a Norwegian master´s degree of five years or 3+ 2 years (or equivalent) may be admitted (categories 3 and 4 above). PhD students must upload a document from their university stating that they are registered PhD students. This group of applicants does not have to prove English proficiency and are exempt from semester fee.
Holders of a Master´s degree must upload a Master´s Diploma with Diploma Supplement / English translation of the diploma. Applicants from listed countries must document proficiency in English. To find out if this applies to you see the following list:
Proficiency in English must be documented - list of countries.
For more information on accepted English proficiency tests and scores, as well as exemptions from the English proficiency tests, please see the following document: Proficiency in English - PhD level studies.
The course will be cancelled if less than five participants.
Course contents
Admission requirements
General admission requirements for PhD.-program at UiT.
Offered irregularly. The course will be cancelled if less than five participants.
Recommended knowledge: Knowledge in the subjects of applied mathematics, numerical methods, partial differential equations.
Objective of the course
- The candidate will learn the basics of Multiphysics simulation and acquire important knowledge about setting up one.
- The candidate will learn certain advanced concepts in relation to the mechanics of materials and fluid mechanics/heat transfer.
- Candidates will understand the term Multiphysics and its relation to practical problems.
- Candidates will build knowledge in discretization techniques used in Multiphysics simulations such as Finite Element Method (FEM), Finite Difference Method (FDM), Finite Volume Method (FVM), etc.
- Candidates will discretize the partial differential equations (PDE) of structures, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer.
- Candidates will apply the correct boundary and initial conditions in solving the Multiphysics simulation problems.
- Candidates will also learn about the use of computational resources in solving Multiphysics simulation problems.
General Competence:
- The candidate will be able to appreciate the importance of Multiphysics simulation for engineering applications.
- The candidate will also build an understanding of the margin of error between real cases to simulated ones.