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Høst 2023

BNS-1040 Project Design and Methods - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for reiseliv og nordlige studier

Type of course

The subject can be taken as a single course.

The course is obligatory for Bachelor of Northern Studies.

Course contents

Topics that will be dealt with are:

• The use of theory in research

• Research design

• Planning a research project and formulating research questions

• Types of data

• Surveys: design of survey questionnaires and sampling of respondents

• Basic methods in quantitative data analysis

• Qualitative research methods: interviewing, focus groups, analysis of documents, field research and participant observation

• Bridging the gap between qualitative and quantitative research.

Admission requirements

Admission requirements:

Nordic applicants: Generell studiekompetanse. Admission procedures for foreign applicants, please read:

Admission code: 9199

Objective of the course

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:


• Explain different social scientific research methods i.e. surveys, interviews, analysis of documents and field research.


• Plan and design a minor research project.

• Collect and analyse qualitative and quantitative data.

• Write up and report social research.

General competence

• Reflect critically on research in social science.

• Apply the principles of academic integrity, values and practices; honesty, fairness, respect and accountability.

• Explain the ethical considerations of conducting research and the use of research results.

Language of instruction


Teaching methods

Lectures alternating with seminars including group work. Data analysis with PC software. Over the period of the course, students will subsequently work with their respective BA research project. Class attendance is obligatory (at least 75 %)