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Høst 2023

HEL-6320 Animal Experimentation for Researchers - 6 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for klinisk medisin

Type of course

This course is available as a single course.

Course contents

The course in experimental animal science for researchers is required according to regulatory demands for personnel that will plan and/or conduct animal experiments. The course follows the requirements in the Norwegian Regulation on Animal Experiment, § 24 and Annex E, Points 1-11. The course also fulfil the requirements for Core Modules and Function Specific Modules for function A and B in the Education and Training Framework published by the European Commission.

The course consists of theoretical and practical training. The theoretical course consists of a 2-day general part (core modules) and a 3-day special part covering wildlife species/fieldwork specific modules.

The course deals with wild mammals and birds (not fish). Those who will work exclusively with fish or decapoda are referred to the UiT course in Aquatic Animal Welfare (BIO-3503).

Academic content theoretical training:

General part (Core Module)

Fieldwork/wildlife module (terrestrial and marine wild mammals and birds)

Academic content practical training

Handling, care, supervision and relevant experimental techniques in relevant species tailored to the students skills and needs.

Admission requirements

Requirement for admission is minimum bachelor degree (or a higher degree) on university or college level within biomedical sciences or biology

Recommended prerequisites are course in statistics and knowledge of literature search using internet and library.

Those who will work exclusively with fish or decapods are referred to the UiT course in Aquatic Animal Welfare (BIO-3503).

Course fee and tuition fee:

The course fee is NOK 6000.

NOTE: Persons that are not registered as students at UiT, need to pay the student tuition fee (semester fee) separately in order to have the ECTS registered.

Application web site: EVUweb

Application deadline: 25.09.2023

Objective of the course

The main aim of the course is to ensure ethical and humane use of experimental animals and collection of informative, objective and reproducible research data from animal experiments.

After having completed the course, the candidate should:

Language of instruction


Teaching methods

Learning methods include self-studies of e-learning material, e-lectures, online group work and individual written assignments. The course consists of totally 80 hours, including 35 hours of lectures/group work, 24 hours of self-tuition (individual assignment and exam) and 21 hours of practical training under supervision of a qualified person.

The theoretical training consists of self studies of e-learning material and online lectures/group work given intensively during one week, followed by practical training. The theoretical training consists of a general part (2 days) and special part (3 days). The special part is on fieldwork/wildlife.