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Høst 2023

FYS-8601 Self-Supervised Learning - 5 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for fysikk og teknologi

Type of course

The course can be taken as a singular course. Registration is open for UiT students and members of NORA Research School. It will be conducted as a concentrated course in the style of summer school, 12th -16th of June 2023.

Course contents

This course will provide both a basic understanding of the techniques used in self-supervised learning and the very recent developments of the field. The course will cover self-supervised learning in the context of important data domains such as image, text, and time series data, and give the students a deeper understanding of the theory that underpins current self-supervised methods. The course will consist of 5 days of teaching with both lectures and practical components.

Core concepts

Self-supervised learning in computer vision

Self-supervised learning in NLP

Self-supervised learning in time series analysis

Advanced self-supervised learning theory

Relevance of course in program of study : Learning a meaningful representation from data without human supervision is a well established problem in machine learning. However, recent works on self-supervised representation learning have achieved impressive performance on a wide range of different tasks involving data types such as images, time series, and text. In some cases, the performance in these unsupervised method can even rival their supervised counterparts. Self-supervised approaches learn representations in a similar manner as in supervised learning, but creates the labels from unlabeled datasets. How to produce the labels from unlabeled datasets and how to formulate a self-supervised loss are key components in self-supervised learning.

Admission requirements

PhD students or holders of a Norwegian master´s degree of five years (300 ECTS) or 3 (180 ECTS) + 2 years (120 ECTS) or equivalent may be admitted. PhD students must upload a document from their university stating that there are registered PhD students. This group of applicants does not have to prove English proficiency and are exempt from semester fee. Holders of a Master´s degree must upload a Master´s Diploma with Diploma Supplement / English PhD students at UiT The Arctic University of Norway register for the course through StudentWeb. External applicants apply for admission through SøknadsWeb. All external applicants have to attach a confirmation of their status as a PhD student from their home institution. Students who hold a Master of Science degree, but are not yet enrolled as a PhD-student have to attach a copy of their master's degree diploma. These students are also required to pay the semester fee.

Recommended prerequisites: Programming skills in python and hands on knowledge of python programming for deep learning.

Application code: 9304, application deadline: May 1st

The course is limited to 40 places. Qualified applicants are ranked on the basis of a lottery if there are more applicants than available places.

Objective of the course

Knowledge - The student is able to

Skills - The student is able to

General competence - The student is able to

Language of instruction

The language of instruction is English, and all the syllabus material is in English. The final report needs to be submitted in English.

Teaching methods

Lectures: 20 hours

Self-study sessions: 40 hours

Project work: spread over 8 weeks - net time 50 hours

Hands-on sessions: 10 hours

Net effort (~120 hours)

Date for examination

Off campus exam hand in date 18.08.2023

The date for the exam can be changed. The final date will be announced at your faculty early in May and early in November.