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Høst 2023
BYG-3610 Analysis of water quality parameters - 5 stp
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Type of course
Course contents
The course is a laboratory course and focuses on how water quality parameters from fresh water and waste water samples can be measured using some selected methods. Such methods are an important tool in cases where you need fast and reliable results without taking the path of more advanced methods.
Relevant parameters will be gases such as oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide, chemical composition, pH, various nitrogen compounds (TN, TAN, NO2, and NO3), phosphorus content and color and turbidity, COD, BOD and content of microorganisms (E. coli, Total coliform, Total plate count, Intestinal enterococci).
The laboratory exercises will take place in an environmental lab at UiT, Narvik.
Admission requirements
Water and sewage technology
Bachelor's degree or equivalent in construction engineering, civil engineering, water and sewerage engineering, environmental engineering, HVAC engineering and energy technology. Applicants with other subject combinations (water sciences, sanitary and environmental sciences, hydrology / hydraulics, etc.) are considered separately.
Regulations on admission to studies at UiT state that in order to be admitted to a master's degree program of 120 credits, there are requirements for specialization in subjects, courses or subject groups of a minimum of 80 credits or integrated education of a minimum of 120 credits. For the field of study Water and Sewerage Technology, the requirement for professional specialization in construction, water and sewerage technology, civil engineering and HVAC applies. Applicants with other specializations can be admitted after special assessment. Basic knowledge of water and drainage technology is recommended.
In addition, there is a requirement for basic knowledge of at least 25 credits in mathematics (cf. Mathematics 1, 2 and 3), at least 5 credits in statistics / probability and at least 7.5 credits in physics in accordance with the framework plan for the Bachelor of Engineering.
Application code: 9371
Recommended prior knowledge: Basic knowledge in chemistry, biology and geosciences or equivalent knowledge.
Objective of the course
After passing the course, students must have the following learning outcomes.
The course aims to enable students to master relevant rapid methods for measuring critical environmental parameters, primarily in connection with water, and waste water. Furthermore, they can describe, plan and carry out a sampling scheme and evaluate analysis results.
Students will develop the ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical laboratory setups for water and wastewater analysis / practical applications.
They will develop the ability to gain technical knowledge from available scientific literature independently.
They will develop their ability to communicate effectively in professional/technical settings.
General competence:
Gain competence that allows for a necessary understanding of the quantitative aspects of water quality parameters using rapid methods of detection.
Language of instruction
Teaching methods
The course is set up with a short theoretical lecture and then the students themselves must complete exercises in the laboratory with the laboratory technician. The exercises include hand-in assignments to be evaluated.
Subject teacher available assistance in connection with exercises and assignment work during working hours, via e-mail and telephone overtime outside teaching hours.