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Høst 2023

ENG-3197 Genre Fiction - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for språk og kultur

Type of course

This course is part of the lector and the Master’s programme in English but also open to all students who qualify for studies at master level.

Course contents

This course concerns types of literature that have historically been designated genre fiction, such as science fiction, fantasy, crime, or horror. By tracing the historical roots, developments, and reception of one such genre, the course helps students understand why the genre has been considered sub-canonical—and how it has affected both canonical literature and different aspects of society. What are the common traits of the genre? How has it been discussed publicly and intellectually throughout history? What does its audience praise and its detractors condemn? What are its reciprocal relationships with other genres? Through a representative sampling of literature from the genre, we will aim for a reflective understanding of both the genre itself and evaluative literary classification more generally.

Admission requirements

Bachelor's degree (180 ECTS), or equivalent qualification, in English literature, or a degree combining English literature and a closely-related discipline (minimum 80 ECTS in English). An average grade equivalent to C or better in the English coursework (80 ECTS) is required.

Application code: 9371 - Enkeltemner på masternivå (Nordic applicants).

Objective of the course

The students have the following learning outcomes:


Students will have:


Students will be able to:


Students will be able to:

Language of instruction


Teaching methods

The course takes place for one 13-week term and meets once per week. Teaching methods will include lectures, class exercises, and independent study.

Quality assurance: All courses undergo a halfway evaluation once in a 3-year period at the bachelor's level. The study programme leader determines which programme options will be evaluated per year, and which courses will be evaluated by the students and the teacher per year.