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Høst 2023

ERN-2012 Micronutrients - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for medisinsk biologi

Type of course

This course is only available for students enrolled in the bachelor's program in nutrition and can not be taken as a singular course.

Course overlap

ERN-2004 Nutrition, macro- and micronutrients 10 ects

Course contents

Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals essential to life. However, in large amounts, they can be toxic and harmful. ERN-2012 will provide basic- and evidence-based knowledge about these compounds, their nutritional sources, digestion, uptake, metabolism, functions, deficiencies, toxicity, and importance to human health. We will also introduce nutrition-related analytical methods.

During this course, the students will learn to assess the intake of micronutrients according to the recommendations for healthy individuals and how to provide relevant advice on food choices based on these assessments.

The course will provide a solid foundation for learning more about the relationship between diet and diseases.

Included is a clinical practice placement and/or a simulated counseling session.

Objective of the course

After completing this course, the students should be able to:




Language of instruction


Teaching methods

Teaching will take the form of lectures, group work, assignments, and presentations.