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Høst 2023

FSK-3551 Mini Research Project (MRP) - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Norges fiskerihøgskole

Type of course

The course is available as a singular optional course within Marine and fisheries research.

Course contents

In this course, students will independently develop a tangible or intangible research product, and communicate it in an accountable and reproducible manner. The research product will be a novel type of knowledge, good or service. The research project can take different forms, such as a systematic survey or a meta-analysis of scientific literature, conduction of experimental or observational investigations, development of a useful laboratory technique, experimental method, fishing gear or software, a market analysis, a legal analysis, a consultancy report, the analysis of the structure of a value chain or of the processes in an organization. The project fits both students with strong theoretical background and those who prefer a more practical approach to research. The communication medium will be the most useful for the research at hand and its target audience. The purpose of the project is to stimulate curiosity, own initiative, innovation spirit, utilization of the scientific method, establishment of professional networks, and the development of diverse communication skills, active learning and solution-focused thinking.

The deliverables will depend on the type of research, but should nevertheless comply with the requirements of novelty in content, reproducibility, accountability and good ethical practice. A traditional literature survey will typically require a detailed analysis of about 500 text pages and result in an essay of 25 written pages. Other research products may be presented using alternative materials, digital or video support. When the project has a strong practical or design component, the student submits the product and a 10 page project narrative, which is a detailed technical report. All students must perform a final public presentation of the project, normally a 15 minutes oral or visual presentation.

Admission requirements

Admission to FSK-3551 requires a Bachelor's degree (180 ECTS) in biology, economics, social sciences or a combinations of these, or equivalent qualification.

9371 - application code singular course.

Objective of the course



General competences

The threshold performance at Master level requires a basic level of analytical skills and critical understanding, application of knowledge outside its original context and familiarity with communication and argumentation in a variety of forms.

Language of instruction

The language of instruction and all syllabus material is English.

Teaching methods

Teaching methods: Individual supervision.

The course requires that a scientific staff at the department is available, and has the competence in the required field. The adviser will submit the title and a summary proposal of the research for approval by the Norwegian College of Fishery Science. Under supervision, the student will develop a research plan, search information sources, develop and make the final product (e.g. installation) or write an essay.