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Vår 2023

SVF-3107 Visual Ethnography and Ways of Knowing - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for samfunnsvitenskap

Type of course

The course is compulsory for students admitted to the Master's programme in Visual Anthropology. It is open for students from other programmes and may be taken as a single course.

Course contents

Visual anthropology concerns both the use of (audio) visual material in research and the study of visual systems. The course will present and discuss various approaches to camera-based research, the use of visual material in processes of elicitation of knowledge and the study of already existing visible culture. These are approaches which imply both challenges and possibilities for the praxis of ethnographic research and dissemination.

A focus on the non verbal fields of knowledge can contribute to a broadening of the field of communication between informant, researcher and audience, and accordingly also to an enlargement of the scope of the social sciences. It also invites for reflections on:

Application deadline

Applicants from Nordic countries: 1 December. Applicants from outside the Nordic countries: 1 October.

Admission requirements

May be taken as a single course. Application code 9371.

Reccommended previous knowledge:

For students of the Master's Programme in Visual Anthropology:

SVF-3101 Approaching social realities: Understanding other people's life-worlds

SVF-3102 Conveying social realities: Exploring audio-visual narrative strategies

For other students: A Bachelor's degree in a subject within the Social Sciences or Humanities.

An average grade equivalent to C or better within the Norwegian grading system is required for Bachelor's degree or equivalent issued in Europe, Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand; And an average grade equivalent to B or better within the Norwegian grading system is required for Bachelor's degree or equivalent issued in all other countries.

Objective of the course

Students who successfully complete this course should have achieved the following learning outcomes:



General competence

Language of instruction


Teaching methods

The course consists of theoretical lectures and visual ethnography seminars in which projects using audio-visual methods are presented and discussed.

Date for examination

Off campus exam hand out date 23.02.2023 hand in date 02.03.2023

The date for the exam can be changed. The final date will be announced at your faculty early in May and early in November.