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Høst 2022

BED-3077 International marketing - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Handelshøgskolen ved UiT

Type of course

This course can be taken as a singular course.

Course contents

The course introduces the students to different theoretical perspectives on internationalization and marketing issues in foreign markets. Through various course activities the students will become familiar with different theoretical approaches that help explain how companies may enter and expand into foreign markets and why. An important part of doing business is to establish business relationships. This course will introduce the students to challenges that business partners may encounter when establishing and developing business relationships in a cross-cultural context, and how these challenges could be managed. 

Application deadline

Applicants from Nordic countries: 1 June for the autumn semester and 1 December for the spring semester. Exchange students and Fulbright students: 1 October for the spring semester and 15 April for the autumn semester.

Admission requirements

Students have to hold a bachelor's degree (180 ECTS) in one of the following disciplines: Business, Management, Marketing, Computer Science, Information Technology, Engineering, Electrical engineering, Physics, Health, Energy, Fisheries or Biotechnology. 

The Norwegian grading system is an A-F scale in which A is the highest score and F is fail. An average grade C from a bachelor degree issued in Norway is the minimum requirement for admission to the master's level for students with Norwegian study background. 

Applicants who hold a bachelor's degree or equivalent issued in Europe, Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand must have an average grade C as a minimum, or the corresponding numerical mark/percentage score to be considered for admission. 

Applicants who hold a bachelor's degree or equivalent issued in countries other than the above mentioned region/countries must have an average grade B as a minimum, or the corresponding numerical mark/percentage score to be considered for admission. 

Objective of the course






The candidate is capable of presenting and explaining research results and key concepts rooted in international marketing research.

Language of instruction


Teaching methods

The course is offered as an ordinary course at the university campus. It is required that the students are present at campus because the course requires that the students take part in course activities that are compulsory, including the group assignment. The teaching will consist of lectures, group work, presentations, discussions, and role-play (cross-cultural communication). Each group will present the results of the group assignment. Each member of the groups will take part in the presentations.

The schedule (timeplan) BED - 3077 offers information about where and when lectures, group work, presentations, supervision and role-play will find place.

The teaching plan will be available in Canvas just before the start of the semester.

The student is responsible to ensure that he/she gets the information given during the classroom activities, and that is not given in the schedule, teaching plan, in Canvas or in the required course readings.

Software tools

It is expected that the students master the use of word processing.


The students are encouraged to read the literature given in the lecture plan before attending a class. This will make the student better prepared to ask questions and to take part in discussions. In the first lecture, the students will be divided into groups for the group assignment and presentations of articles in class. It is therefore of great importance that students attend the first lecture.


For the Group assignment the students will be offered supervision. More detailed information regarding supervision will be made available in Canvas. Prepare questions/issues that you want to discuss before the meeting.

Date for examination

Off campus exam hand in date 28.11.2022;Off campus exam hand out date 29.11.2022 hand in date 09.12.2022

The date for the exam can be changed. The final date will be announced at your faculty early in May and early in November.