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Høst 2022

BNS-1001 Introduction to multidisciplinary studies - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for reiseliv og nordlige studier

Type of course

The course is obligatory for the Bachelor and One Year Program in Northern Studies. The course is taught online for One Year Program. The subject can be taken as a single course. 

Course contents

The course introduces students to and provides:

Students will be trained in operationalising viable interdisciplinary approaches to complex issues based on case studies from the Subarctic and Arctic Regions.

Application deadline

Applicants from Nordic countries: 1 June

Exchange students and Fulbright students: 15 April  

Admission requirements

Admission requirements:

Nordic applicants: Generell studiekompetanse. Admission procedures for foreign applicants, please read:

Admission code: 9199

Objective of the course

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:



General competence

Language of instruction


Teaching methods

Bachelor students: Mainly teacher presentations., group work and group discussions, supported by digital learning resources.

Online students: The course is composed of separate modules for online studies.  Students are required to submit answers to the individual module questions. Teaching and feedback will be given. Streamed materials will also be available.  A guideline for self-study will be provided.

Quality assurance; Before the end of every course, an evaluation of the course will be arranged in collaboration with the teacher and the student.

Date for examination

Assignment hand in date 01.12.2022;Assignment hand in date 01.12.2022

The date for the exam can be changed. The final date will be announced at your faculty early in May and early in November.