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Høst 2022

ELE-3601 Renewable Energy - Generation and Conversion - 5 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for elektroteknologi

Type of course

Theoretical subject. The course can be taken as a single course.

Course overlap

STE6285 Renewable Energy - Generation and Conversion 5 stp

Course contents

Wind power and turbine technology, general wind turbine construction, characteristics and components, network and wind power system integration, wind speed measurements and resource mapping,  power system stability with large-scale wind power penetration, interaction between wind power and other energy resources, offshore wind power, physical basis of solar cells and solar energy, solar energy applications in the power system, hydro power and hydro power technologies, small-scale hydro power, physical basis and application of salination power, tidal power and wave energy, energy systems design with different forms of energy. Technology, economy and environment, system design, system integration, combination of different forms of energy.

Application deadline

Applicants from countries within EU/EEA: June 1st. Exchange students and Fulbright students: April 15th.

Admission requirements

A relevant undergraduate Bachelor degree in Engineering program in power electronics and electrical machines. Basic knowledge in power systems is also an advantage. 

In addition, the following requirements must be met: 

- minimum 25 credits in mathematics (equivalent to Mathematical Methods 1, 2 og 3), 5 credits in statistics and 7,5 ects i physics on a higher level is required. 

Application Code: 9371

Suggested Prerequisite(s) General qualification of electrical engineering expertise at bachelor level

Objective of the course

After completed course the candidate should have the following learning outcome:


- how to plan., design and construct renewable energy plants.

- understanding the different energy carriers technical and economic characteristics. 

-understand how the interaction between different energy carriers can be utilized to obtain an optimal energy system.

- understand grid integration issues.


- explain the characteristics of renewable energy sources.

- know the consenting process.

- be able to make simple calculations, and analyses.

-do system assessments for integration of renewable energy sources.

General competence:

- Understand the similarities and differences between renewable energy sources.

- understand the planning and design processes.

- understand grid integration issues and grid code requirements.

- understand how assess, technical, economical and environmental issues.

Language of instruction


Teaching methods

Lectures, exercises, field trips and visits.

Date for examination

School exam 13.12.2022

The date for the exam can be changed. The final date will be announced at your faculty early in May and early in November.