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Høst 2022

SIK-2004 Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE) management - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for teknologi og sikkerhet

Type of course

The course is technical and can be taken as a singular course.

Course contents

This course is centered around the concept of quality, health, safety, and environment (QHSE) in industry. This includes occupational health and safety, protection of the natural environment, and protection against major accident risks. It addresses the assessment and management of the risk of loss in the different areas due to long-term exposure to hazards, and due to acute exposure to hazards in connection with accidents.  

The assessment and management of risks from long-term exposure to hazards include: 

The course will address the assessment and management of accident risks in the fields of occupational accidents, major industrial accidents, and accidental pollution of the natural environment. A theoretical section of this part of the course deals with accident theories and models, barrier theory, and feedback control and learning principles applied to accidents. The course presents and evaluates methods and tools in the assessment and prevention of accidents, including risk analysis, accident and near accident investigations, hazard identification and workplace inspections, safety performance monitoring, and emergency preparedness.    

Themes that are common to the management of acute and long-term exposure to hazards are addressed in separate sections of the course. These include HSE legislation, general principles in occupational health and safety and environmental management, and auditing techniques. 

Application deadline

1 June for the autumn semester 

Admission requirements

Admission requirements are generell studiekompetanse + Matematikk R1 (or Matematikk S1 og S2) and R2 and Fysikk 1.

Application code 9391

Objective of the course


On completion of the course, the student has knowledge and understanding of: 


On completion of the course, the student is able to: 

General competence: 

On completion of the course, the student is able to: 

Language of instruction


Teaching methods

36 hours lectures and 12 hours exercises. 

Date for examination

School exam 22.11.2022

The date for the exam can be changed. The final date will be announced at your faculty early in May and early in November.