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Høst 2022

SVF-8066 Introduction to scientific approaches and theoretical State of the Art to child welfare, social work and social policy - 5 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for barnevern og sosialt arbeid, Fakultet for humaniora, samfunnsvitenskap og lærerutdanning

Type of course

The course may be taken as a single course.

Course contents

The focus of the course is on institutions and practices designed to secure children’s welfare. Lectures given in the course investigate and discuss the preconditions for children’s young adults and families participation in the welfare societies of the Nordic states. We look thoroughly on processes of inequality, multicultural environments, child services, minority perspectives, marginalization and parental abilities and conditions, and how these processes are structured by social services. A running theme is how their interrelations are shaped and influenced by national and international political institutions and practices. The course will apply an interdisciplinary theoretical and scientific perspective and draw on disciplines and research fields like professional social work, social care, sociology, international and national law, political science, and comparative social policy. During the course, examples from research about different institutions and practices designed to secure children’s, young adults and families welfare are presented and discussed. Research examples will discuss, among others the concepts of children’s, young adults and families welfare, participation, gender, ethnicity, inequality and diversity - all in particular dimensions related to the national and international trends and patterns that influence and challenge the Nordic welfare model.

In addition to the lectures, participants will have the opportunity and are expected to discuss their own projects in the context of the main focus of the course.

Application deadline

June 1st for the autumn semester.

Admission requirements

The primary target group for the course are candidates who have been admitted to the PhD programme in Humanities and Social Science, but will also be open to others who wish to study the topic of the course in depth, including international students.

PhD students or holders of a Norwegian Master´s Degree of five years or 3+ 2 years (or equivalent) may be admitted. PhD students must upload a document from their university stating that they are registered PhD students.

Holders of a Master´s Degree must upload a Master´s Diploma with Diploma Supplement / English translation of the diploma. Applicants from listed countries must document proficiency in English. To find out if this applies to you see the following list:

For more information on accepted English proficiency tests and scores, as well as exemptions from the English proficiency tests, please see the following document:


The course is part of the activities of the Norwegian Research School of Social Work and Child Welfare (NORWEL). PhD-students who are enrolled in NORWEL have preference for this course. PhD-students who are not enrolled in NORWEL can apply for this course, if space permits. 

The course has 20 seats, with a minimum number of participants of 5. If the number of applicants exceeds the available number of seats , applicants will be ranked from category 1 to 4. 

Category 1: Doctoral students enrolled in NORWEL.  

Category 2: Doctoral students from UiT 

Category 3: Doctoral students from other universities 

Category 4:  Participants in the Associate Professor Programme that fulfil the educational requirements 

Category 5: Applicants with a Master’s degree (120 ECTS) or equivalent. 

Category 6: Postdoctoral researchers. 


The application code in Søknadsweb 9301.

Objective of the course

The PhD candidates have the following learning outcomes:


The PhD candidates have


The PhD candidates have

General competence

The PhD candidates are able to

Language of instruction


Teaching methods

The teaching is organised as a combination of lectures, group work and presentations of the participants' own projects. Course language is English or, in case that all participants are suffiently proficient, in a Scandinavian language. The course duration is 5 days (35 hours).  

Date for examination

Assignment hand in date 06.01.2023

The date for the exam can be changed. The final date will be announced at your faculty early in May and early in November.