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Vår 2022
FSK-3053 Bioinformatics for aquatic biology and aquaculture - 10 stp
The course is administrated by
Type of course
Course contents
Application deadline
Admission requirements
Admission to FSK-3053 requires a Bachelor's degree (180 ECTS) in Fiskeri- og havbruksvitenskap or Biology.
FSK-2053 Data science and bioinformatics for fisheries and aquaculture, or equivalent course in data science and bioinformatics, is a requirement.
Biological knowledge, e.g. from the FHV or biology programs, is an advantage. Previous experience in programming languages (e.g. R) and as an user of Linux systems is an advantage.
9371 - application code singular course.
Obligatory prerequisites
Objective of the course
The students will obtain;
- Understanding the foundations of bioinformatics and its potential applications in aquatic biology, fisheries, and aquaculture
- Evaluating the importance of genetic and biodiversity information for the management of natural ecosystems, fisheries and aquaculture
- Organizing and analyzing different kinds of molecular data to infer useful information
- Writing scripts to analyze and visualize data
- Retrieving public data from on-line data repositories
- Analyze massively parallel sequencing data using bioinformatics tools
- Generating reports to present the results of bioinformatic analyses
- Developing planning skills to implement bioinformatic approaches to solve practical problems
- Understanding the potential of bioinformatics as a leveraging tool to address current societal challenges
Language of instruction
Teaching methods
The exam consists of 2 parts:
- Four exercises in computer format, either development of short scripts or results of data analyses (counts 30 %)
- The final exam (counts 70%) will be a home exam (5-7 pages) where a relevant topic must be developed.
The grading scale is A - F, where F is fail.
The students will get feedback on their part-exams and final home project, and they will be allowed to submit a revised version of the home exam to improve the final grade.
There will not be a re-sit examination for students that did not pass the previous ordinary examination.
Date for examination
The date for the exam can be changed. The final date will be announced at your faculty early in May and early in November.