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Vår 2022

KJE-3308 Metal-Organic Compounds in Organic Synthesis - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for kjemi

Type of course

Theoretical and practical course. The course is available as a singular or elective course independent of study program, also to exchange students. The course is offered on condition that a minimum number of students register for the course. The course is given every second or third year.

Course overlap

KJE-8308 Organometallic compounds in organic synthesis 10 stp

Course contents

Organometallic chemistry is the chemistry of transition metals used in organic synthesis and is routinely used by synthetic chemists. The course starts with the description of organometallic complexes in terms of electron configuration, bonding and structure. Reaction mechanisms and reactivity of complexes containing different transition metals and ligands are then introduced and applied in the analysis of complex synthetic transformations.

Application deadline

Applicants from Nordic countries: 1 June for the autumn semester and 1 December for the spring semester. Exchange students and Fulbright students: 1 October for the spring semester and 15 April for the autumn semester.

Admission requirements

Required: A bachelor’s degree in chemistry or equivalent, with a grade C or better in the Norwegian grading system.

Recommended: Expanded knowledge of organic chemistry (KJE-3301 or equivalent).

Objective of the course

The student will have acquired a solid and broad theoretical basis to understand metallo-organic chemistry. This means that the student:




Language of instruction

The language of instruction is English and all syllabus material is in English.

Teaching methods

Lab lectures: 20 h

Seminars: 20 h


A 4-hour final written exam counting 100%. Letter grades A-E, F - fail. 

Work requirements:

Date for examination

Oral exam 24.05.2022

The date for the exam can be changed. The final date will be announced at your faculty early in May and early in November.