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Vår 2022

SPL-3901 Master's Thesis in Nordic Urban Planning Studies - 30 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for samfunnsvitenskap

Type of course

This course is obligatory for those students at the Master's Programme in Nordic Urban Planning Studies, who chooses the Tromsø track. The course cannot be taken as a single course.

Course contents

The students chose themselves topic sand research questions for their master thesis, on collaboration with supervisors. The research questions of the study must be approved by the supervisor. Working on the thesis, the student learns to apply scientific theories and methods on a defined, academic and relevant issue, to analyse, categorise, discuss and reflect on a scientific basis, and to select and critically evaluate the sources, literature, theory and methods used. Through the thesis, the student learn to communicate an academic study to peers and demonstrate the competency to initiate, manage and complete a long-term process of academic study and writing.

Objective of the course

The students have the following learning outcomes:


The student has:


The student is able to / can:


Language of instruction

Language of instructuion and examination is English.

Teaching methods

The teaching will consist of 10 seminars, as well as individual supervision.


The exam will consist of:

Combined assessment of the thesis and an individual oral examination. The oral presentation may adjust the grading of the thesis.

The thesis can be written by one or two students. If the thesis is written by one student, the length must be approximately 60 pages. If the thesis is written by two students, the length must be approx. 90 pages.

The exam will be assessed on an A-F grades scale. Grades are A-E for passed and F for failed. 

Date for examination

Assignment hand in date 01.06.2022

The date for the exam can be changed. The final date will be announced at your faculty early in May and early in November.