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Høst 2020
BIO-3516 The biological basis of fisheries science - 10 stp
The course is administrated by
Type of course
Course overlap
Course contents
Application deadline
Admission requirements
Obligatory prerequisites
Objective of the course
The course consists of a series of related themes that shows Marine Ecology and Oceanography as an integral part of Fisheries Sciences. Emphasis is on fishes in boreal and Arctic waters. Note: In light of climate change and human activities, the curriculum is updated regularly and themes and extent may vary accordingly from year to year.
Knowledge: From case studies in the scientific literature (original papers, reviews, web-sources), students define, examine and understand concepts such as -
- Patterns and processes of biodiversity and biogeography.
- Trophic structure and relationships. - Life history traits assessed from biological archives such as otoliths and eye lenses.
- Realised and potential habitats in light of ocean warming and sea-ice loss.
Skills: From this knowledge, students learn to -
- Critically evaluate, interpret and contextualise scientific studies and affiliated methods.
- Appraise the history of marine ecology from the classic studies to present day literature.
- Prepare and present a talk (ca. 15 min) and a written Essay (ca. 15 pp) on a topic relevant for e.g. a MSc-Thesis in Marine Ecology or Fisheries Biology.
General competence: From these skills, students qualify for -
- Integrate knowledge from natural and human sciences.
- Formulate and raise pertinent and critical questions about northern marine ecosystems and their resources in light of climate change and human activities.
- Contribute competently to the public debate both orally and in written form.
Language of instruction
Teaching methods
Oral examination/discussion (60 % of mark) and written Essay (40 % of mark). A graded scale of six marks is usesd, i.e. A to E for pass and F for fail.
Re-sit exam:
There will be a re-sit examination for students that did not pass the previous ordinary examination.