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Høst 2020

FSK-3012 Geographical Information Systems for Coastal and Marine Resource Management - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Norges fiskerihøgskole

Type of course

Master's course for students at the program Fiskeri- og havbruksvitenskap, retning ressursforvaltning and the Master's programme in International Fisheries Management (IFM). The course can also be taken as a singular course.

Course contents

The course is an advance course in GIS that will enable the students to make use of the system in coastal and marine resource management and research. Students shall study relevant theories, methods and research design related to application of GIS in the field(s) related with the student's own master thesis or own interests in social sciences - related to fisheries and marine resource management.

The course covers topics like understandings of GIS as tool versus science and studies, spatial thinking in the context of marine governance, representing real world in GIS (conceptual and GIS data model), different methods of data input and data editing, data quality issues and database management. A larger section of the course is devoted to spatial analytical methods and the applications of GIS in coastal and marine environments. Students are trained in model building and basic python programming in GIS. The course will also introduce the students to qualitative and critical GIS. Further, it focuses on sources of errors and uncertainties in GIS in general, and challenges of use of GIS in fisheries and marine governance in particular.

The course will mainly use ESRI ArcGIS, but open-source alternatives (e.g. QGIS, ILWIS, GRASS and R) will also be introduced and used.

The course is organized in theoretical and practical module. Lectures introduce the theoretical aspects; computer labs provide the hands-on experience with professional GIS software.

Application deadline

Applicants from Nordic countries: 1 June for the autumn semester. Applicants from outside the Nordic countries: 15 April for the autumn semester.

Admission requirements

Entrance requirements is FSK-2006 "Geografiske informasjonssystemer for marin ressurs- og kystsoneforvaltning" or similar background.

Application code 9371.

Objective of the course

The course aims at offering students in-depth theoretical and practical insights in the application of GIS in social sciences related to fisheries and marine resource management. Students are made to reflect upon relevant GIS methods that could be relevant for their own master thesis project or in related theme.

Intended learning outcomes:

On completion of the course, the student should have the following learning outcomes:


The student


The student

General competences:

The student

Language of instruction


Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars, computer labs, internet courses and peer teaching.


A written term paper. The grading scale is A-F, where A-E is pass, and F is fail.

Work requirements: 1. One oral Presentation - (on given topic) 2. At least 2  ESRI online training (selected) courses 3. Two approved lab reports

A re-sit exam will be arranged for this course.