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Vår 2020

TEK-3013 Advanced Control - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for automasjon og prosessteknologi

Type of course

The course is technical and may not be taken as a singular course. Reserved for students attending the Maser's Degree Program in Technology and Safety in the High North.

Course overlap

TEK-3603 Optimization and Control 10 stp

Course contents

Kalman filtering: 

Multivariable control 

Numerical optimization 

Optimal control: 

Admission requirements

Bachelor degree in Engineering. Required prerequisites: FYS-2006 Signal Processing and AUT-2005 Reguleringsteknikk or equivalent courses. Recommended prerequisites: STA-2001 Stochastic processes. 


Obligatory prerequisites

AUT-2005 Control Systems, FYS-2006 Signal processing

Objective of the course


Professional skills

General competence

Language of instruction


Teaching methods

Lectures and project.


5-7 approved assignments and mandatory project with report.

Project with report (50%) and oral exam (50%). Letter grading A - F.

Date for examination

Oral 20.05.2020;Report 05.05.2020

The date for the exam can be changed. The final date will be announced at your faculty early in May and early in November.