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Høst 2019

SVF-8048 Popular Research Communication - 3 stp

The course is administrated by

Fakultet for humaniora, samfunnsvitenskap og lærerutdanning

Type of course

PhD course.

Course overlap

SVH-8002 Research dissemination 3 stp

Course contents

Popular research communication differs from scientific research communication both in shape and in form. Where the scientific research communication can use a scientific language and assume that the receiver has a bigger scientific understanding of what is being communicated. The popular research communication must reach a wider audience, and have a shape and form that is more fitted the receiver.

The popular research communication is communicated through a number of different channels. It can be oral communication through lectures, conversations and seminars. It can be written communication through periodicals, newspapers or different types of social media. And it can be contact with the media in forms of interviews or conversations. Generally, the form is much shorter and the importance of being to the point is much stronger than when it comes to scientific communication.

The course gives an introduction to the different sides of popular research communication. Such as written and oral interviews, oral presentation techniques, writing of chronicles, blogging and the use of social media. The goal is to create awareness and confidence in the researcher in meetings with the media and the public. Is it also a goal to create bigger awareness around one¿s own research project.

Application deadline

PhD students at UiT register for class in Studentweb by June 15th.

Othes apply by June 1th. The application code in Søknadsweb 9304.

Admission requirements

PhD students or participants in the Associate Professor Programme that fulfil the educational requirements may be admitted. PhD students must upload a document from their university stating that they are registered as PhD students. 

The course has 15 seats. If the number of applicants exceeds the number of places available on the PhD course, applicants will be ranked from category 1 to 4.

Category 1: Students admitted to the PhD Programme at HSL

Category 2: Students admitted to other PhD Programmes at UiT

Category 3: Participants in the Associate Professor Programme that fulfil the educational requirements

Category 4: PhD students from other universities

If there are more than 15 applicants, students at HSL that have come furthest in their studies will be prioritized first.

Objective of the course

The student will have gained knowledge and understanding of:



General competence

Language of instruction

The lectures will be given in English. The examination may be written in English, Norwegian or another Scandinavian language.

Teaching methods

The course will take place September 18th to 20th (20 hours). There it will be a mixture of lectures, practical exercises and conversations.


Prior to the course all participants must hand in a short text, maximum 1000 characters (about half a page) where the student must present his or her own project. The text will be used during the course. The text should be aimed at the general public, and therefore must be understandable to a general audience.

During the course, the participants will have to present their project through social media, mini-speech and in practical interview exercises.

Attendance is obligatory (minimum 80 % attendance).

The examination is a blog post or a chronicle where the aspect of, or discoveries made from one¿s own research project should be presented to the public.

The examination is evaluated according to the pass/fail grading system.

Students who have failed may register for a re-sit examination.

Date for examination

Blogg eller kronikk hand out date 05.10.2019 hand in date 18.10.2019

The date for the exam can be changed. The final date will be announced at your faculty early in May and early in November.