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Høst 2019
GEO-8145 Arctic marine geology and geophysics workshop - 5 stp
The course is administrated by
Type of course
Course contents
Application deadline
Registration deadline for PhD students at UiT - The Arctic University of Norway: September 1st
Application deadline for other applicants is June 1st for autumn semester and December 1st for spring semester. Application code 9303 in Søknadsweb.
Admission requirements
Admission requirements: Registered PhD student at a university.
Ph.d.-students from other universities than UiT must upload a confirmation of their PhD student status fromtheir home institution.
Please note: the workshop is often in correlation with the cruise GEO-8144, sometimes participation in the cruise is a requirement.
Objective of the course
Language of instruction
Teaching methods
A written report from the workshop (about 10 pages long) and a home assignment on a given subject (about 10 pages long).
Grading scale: Pass/fail.
Participation in one workshop is required to gain credits from this course.