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Vår 2019

FYS-3941 Master's thesis in applied physics and mathematics - 30 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for fysikk og teknologi

Type of course

Available on request.

Course contents

The content of the course will depend on the profile of the chosen project.

Admission requirements

The course is only available to students on the Master's degree programme in applied physics and mathematics. It is not available to any other category of students as a singular or elective course.

To be assigned a master project the students must have passed all courses in their study plan and the required practical work experience must have been carried out and approved. The Programme Board may grant exemptions from the required practical work experience and up to 10 credits in missing courses that are less essential for the Master's thesis.

Application for approval must be submitted to the Programme Board within a deadline, which is normally 1 September in the autumn semester and 1 February in the spring semester. Students apply by handing in a supervision contract (veiledningskontrakt for mastergradsoppgave) along with a project description. Students must register to the exam as for ordinary courses.

A diploma is not issued before all courses and required practical work experience are met

Objective of the course

Knowledge - The student can:


Skills - The student can:


General expertise - The student can:

Language of instruction

The language of instruction is English and/or a Scandinavian language. The Master's thesis can be written in English or a Scandinavian language.

Teaching methods

Individual guidance and supervision according to agreement and of one semester duration. Maximum workload for the supervisor is 40 hours, you will receive supervision within these limits.


The exam is comprised of submission of a Master's thesis within a given deadline. The deadline for submission is normally 1 June in the spring semester and 15 December in fall semester.

Grading scale: Letter grades A-F.

Re-submission of the thesis:

Only if a Master's thesis is graded "F" (fail), may the thesis be resubmitted in revised form. A new deadline for submission will be given. The deadline for resubmitting the thesis is 6 weeks from the point in time when the candidate was informed about the exam result. If the thesis receives the grade "F" a second time, the student can apply to the Programme Board for a new Master's thesis project

Postponed submission:

If a medical certificate is provided, the student may be given a postponed deadline for submitting the Master's thesis according to regulations in section 21 of Regulations for examinations at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. In the case where the Master's thesis cannot be handed in by the given deadline, the student can apply for a postponement of up to 6 weeks if there are compelling grounds for the delay. The postponement of up to 6 weeks counts for both part-time and full-time students.

Non-submission of thesis:

If a Master's thesis is not submitted within the given deadline and application for postponement has not been granted, the thesis will be reported as not being submitted ("Ikke møtt") at the examination. Also, if the candidate submits a blank answer paper, or a paper which clearly does not constitute an academic attempt, she/he is also regarded as having withdrawn from the examination ("Ikke møtt"). The student can then apply to the Programme Board for a new Master's thesis project.

For further details see:

- Utfyllende bestemmelser for graden master i teknologi (300 studiepoeng) ved Faktulet for naturvitenskap og teknologi (only in Norwegian).

- Regulations for examinations at UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Recommended reading/syllabus

Course material will be developed individually for each student.