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Vår 2019

MAT-2200 Differential Equations - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for matematikk og statistikk

Type of course

The course is mandatory in the study program Mathematics and Finance - bachelor, and is included in the  programs Mathematics and Statistics - bachelor and Applied Physics and Mathematics - master (5-years). It may also be taken independent of study program.

Course overlap

MA-221 Ordinary differential equations 6 stp

Course contents

This course covers the elementary theory of ordinary and partial differential equations. It is useful to all science students. Covers equations of the first order, systems of linear equations, series solutions, numerical methods for ordinary differential equations, separation of variables for partial differential equations and Fourier series.

Application deadline

Applicants from Nordic countries: 1 June for the autumn semester and 1 December for the spring semester. Applicants from outside the Nordic countries: 1 October for the spring semester and 15 April for the autumn semester.

Admission requirements

Applicants from Nordic countries: Generell studiekompetanse og følgende spesielle opptakskrav:

Matematikk R1 + R2 og i tillegg enten:

International applicants: Higher Education Entrance Qualification and certified language requirements in English. It is a requirement that students have  some prior knowledge of biology and ecology, chemistry and mathematics (Participants must have taken introductory level university courses, and achieved pass grades, in these subjects).

A list of the requirements for the Higher Education Entrance Qualification in Norway can be found on the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education website -

Recommended prerequsites is MAT-1003 Calkulus 3 and MAT-1004 Linear algebra or equal.

Application code is 9336.

Objective of the course

After the course the student should be able to

Language of instruction

The language of instruction and the syllabus is English. Examination questions will be given in English, but may be answered either in English or a Scandinavian language.

Teaching methods

Lectures: 40 h Coursework: 30 h


Written final exam of 4 hours duration, counting 100 %.

Assessment scale: Letter grades A-F.

Re-sit examination: Students having failed the last ordinary examination are offered a re-sit examination early in the following semester, if the course is compulsory in their study programme.

Postponed examination: Students with valid grounds for absence will be offered a postponed examination early in the following semester.

For further details see: - Utfyllende bestemmelser for eksamener ved Fakultet for naturvitenskap og teknologi (only in Norwegian) - Regulations for examinations at the University of Tromsø

Coursework requirements A passing grade is required on the mandatory homework sets for permission to take the exam.

Date for examination

Written test 31.05.2019

The date for the exam can be changed. The final date will be announced at your faculty early in May and early in November.

Recommended reading/syllabus

Syllabus for MAT-2200 Differential Equations, spring 2019
UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Textbook: Edwards, Penney, and Calvis. Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling (5th Edition, Global Edition). Pearson 2015.

Chapter 1: The whole.
Chapter 2: 2.2, 2.4, 2.5.
Chapter 3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6.
Chapter 4: 4.1, 4.3.
Chapter 5: All except 5.3.
Chapter 6: 6.1, 6.2.
Chapter 7: Omitted.
Chapter 8: 8.1, 8.2.
Chapter 9: The whole.
Chapter 10: 10.1

Materials allowed during final examination:
Rottmann's tables
Two A4-sheets (both sides) of own handwritten notes
Approved calculator.