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Høst 2018

RUS-3010 Language and Literature of Medieval Russia - 10 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for språk og kultur

Type of course

This course is intended for students in the Master`s Degree Programme in Literature, the Master`s Degree Programme in Language, the Master`s Degree Programme in Russian Studies and the Master`s Degree Programme in Language and Social Studies with integrated practical-educational training. This course may be taken as a single course by students who meet the admission requirements for the Master`s Degree Programme in Russian Language. For more information, please contact the Student Advisor.

Course contents

The course gives an introduction to and an overview of Russian language history and dialectology. Students are given a short introduction to old Russian literature and read some important writings from this period. The writings will partly be read in translations and partly in old Russian.

Application deadline

Applicants from Nordic countries: 1 June for the spring semester and 1 December for the autumn semester. Applicants from outside the Nordic countries: 1 October for the spring semester and 15 April for the autumn semester.

Admission requirements

This course is intended for students in the Master`s Degree Programme in Literature, the Master`s Degree Programme in Language, the Master's Degree Programme in Russian Studies and the Master`s Degree Programme in Language and Social Studies with integrated practical-educational training. This course may be taken as a single course by students who meet the admission requirements for the Master`s Degree Programme in Russian Language. For more information, please contact the Student Advisor.

Code: 9371 (Nordic applicants)

Objective of the course

After completing the course the students should have the following knowledge and abilities:


The students have:


The students can:

Language of instruction

English and Russian

Teaching methods

Teaching consists of seminars and exercises. In connection with the teaching, some supervision will also be given for the term papers. The literature is to be read in English and/or Russian.Quality assurance of the course:

The course will be evaluated once every second year.


Coursework Requirements: In order to take the final examination, the following coursework requirements must have been approved:

All written work is based on the following standard: Times New Roman, 12, 1,5, 2,5 cm.

Assessment method: The examination is a 3-hour written examination at the end of the semester.Grading: Performance in the course will be assessed on an A-F grade scale. Grades are A-E for passed and F for failed. Examination language(s): The term papers and examinations are to be written in Russian, Norwegian or English. If a student is given the grade F after completing the examination he/she will be given the possibility to take a re-sit examination. The deadline for registration to the re-sit examination is 15 January.

Date for examination

Written test 07.12.2018

The date for the exam can be changed. The final date will be announced at your faculty early in May and early in November.

Recommended reading/syllabus

The reading list will be published 1. June.