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Høst 2018
SVF-3555 Coastal planning and governance - 10 stp
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Type of course
The course is an integrated part of the IFM programme, but can be taken as a singular course.
Entrance requirements as for the M.Sc.programme in International Fisheries Management.
Course contents
Planning and governance concepts:
- Planning in theory and action; division of responsibilities, public and private partnerships
- Integrated coastal management, conflict resolution and stakeholder participation
- Sector- vs. holistic perspectives and approaches
- International governance principles
- Experiences with Marine Spatial Planning and protected areas
- Ecosystem-based management
- Institutional theories and perspectives
- Interactive governance theory
- Governability assessment
Application deadline
Admission requirements
Application code: 9371
The course is an integrated part of the IFM programme, but is also open for single course students with relevant background. Entrance requirements as for the M.Sc. programme in International Fisheries Management.
Objective of the course
The aim of this course is to give students advanced knowledge in fisheries and coastal planning and governance concepts, tools and practices. It will draw insights from multiple disciplines in analysis the key management challenges and provide training in governance and governability assessment.
Knowledge and understanding: Students who complete this course will have
- A clear understanding of the main challenges in fisheries and coastal planning and governance
- Be able to envisage basic solutions and governance processes that will address these challenges
- Be capable of investigating planning and governance problems and opportunities in concrete fisheries and coastal settings
General competency:
- Be familar with key concepts on coastal planning and governanc
- Have a deeper understanding of the role of social science and multidisciplinary perspectives as they relate to coastal planning and governance
Language of instruction
Teaching methods
One week home exam (You will be given a topic from lectures and syllabus). The grading scale is A-F, where F is fail.
Work requirements:
1. Design and presentation of poster (of a specific fishery or aquaculture operation of your own choice) 2. Presentation of a previous IFM Master's thesis (review and assessment)
A re-sit exam will be arranged in the next semester.
Date for examination
The date for the exam can be changed. The final date will be announced at your faculty early in May and early in November.
Recommended reading/syllabus
- Maarten Bavinck et al. 2013: Governability of Fisheries and Aquaculture: Theory and Applications. Springer. Part I, II, III, Chapter 14 and 18. (295 pages).
- Svein Jentoft et al. 2010: Pyramids and Roses: Alternative Images for the Governance of Fisheries Systems. Marine Policy. 34: 1315-1321
- Svein Jentoft, 2007: In the Power of Power: The Understated Aspect of Fisheries Management. Human Organization, 66. 4: 426-437.
- Svein Jentoft, 2006: Beyond Fisheries Management: The Phronetic Dimension. Marine Policy, 30: 671-680.
- Poul Degnbol et al. 2006: Painting the Floor with a Hammer: Technical Fixes in Fisheries Management. Marine Policy: 30, 534-543.
- Svein Jentoft 2004: Institutions in Fisheries: What They Are, What They Do, and How They Change.Marine Policy, Vol. 28: 137-149.
- Chuenpagdee, R. and A.M. Song 2012:Institutional thinking in fisheries governance: broadening perspectives, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. Vol. 4:309-315.
Marine Protected Areas:
- Andy Thorpe et al. (eds.) 2011: Special feature on MPAs: Environmental Management, 47. Selected articles, 100 pages
- Svein Jentoft et al. 2013. Marine Protected Areas: Re-Thinking their Inception. Marine Policy, Vol. 39:234-240
- McCay, B.J. and P.J.S. Jones 2011: Marine protected areas and the governance of marine ecosystems and fisheries. Conservation Biology, Vol. 25, No. 6, 1130-1133.
Marine Spatial Planning:
- Agardy, T. et al. 2011: Mind the gap: Adressing the shortcomings of marine protected areas through large scale marine spatial planning. Marine Policy, 35: 326-232.
- Douvere, F. 2012: The Importance of marine spatial planning in advancing ecosystem-based sea use management. Marine Policy 32(5): 762-771.
- Douvere, F. and C.N. Ehler: 2New perspectives of sea use management: Initiati findings from European experience with marine spatial planning. Journal of Environmental Management, 90, 77-88
- Kevin St. Martin and Madeleine Hall-Arber, 2008: The missing layer: Geo-technologies, communities, and implications for marine spatial planning. Marine Policy, 32-779-786
- Knol, M. 2010: Scientific advice in integrated ocean management: The process towad the Barents Sea plan. Marine Policy, 34, 252-260.
- Arild Buanes et al. 2005: Stakeholder Participation in Norwegian Coastal Zone Management. Ocean & Coastal Management. Vol. 48, Issues 8-10: 658-669
- Arild Buanes and Svein Jentoft, 2005: Challenges and Myths in Norwegian Coastal Zone Management, Coastal Management, 33(2): 153-167.