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Vår 2018
INF-3910-2 Computer Science Seminar: Green Computing - 10 stp
The course is administrated by
Type of course
Course contents
The seminar deals with state-of-the-art research topics in computer science not covered by regular courses. The seminar content is normally linked to ongoing research activities at the research groups. The seminar will normally have a different content each time it is given. A seminar specific content will be made and preapproved by the programme board every time it is given. The content of this seminar will be:
The course covers a variety of aspects related to green computing, particularly on how to address energy efficiency across mobile, embedded and data-center systems. It provides insights into various energy optimization techniques across different levels of the system stack including architecture, runtime systems, libraries and programming languages.
Application deadline
Admission requirements
Objective of the course
A general educational aim of the seminar will be to:
- expose students to state-of-the-art research topics in computer science
- help the students to develop essential research and independent learning
- broaden students' understanding of computer science by introducing additional special topics into the curriculum.
A more detailed list of learning outcomes on successful completion of the seminar will be made and preapproved by the programme board every time it is given. Detailed learning outcomes for this seminar is:
Knowledge; students has
- Knowledge of the contemporary state of the art on green and energy-efficient computing systems
- Knowledge of design and implementation principles in energy-aware computing systems
- Knowledge of practical approaches and toolsets to develop energy-aware computing systems
Skills; students can be able to
- Design, model and analyze algorithms and protocols with respect to energy efficiency
- Utilize different hardware, development environmentsand tools to develop energy-aware applications and systems
- Review advanced scientific papers and identify research problems and challenges in green and energy-efficient computing
General competence; students know:
- how to read scientific literature, carefully extract information from it and present it coherently in public
- how to conduct technical reviews and come up with critiques to current solutions to open problems
- how to conduct experimental study and write scientific papers
Language of instruction
Teaching methods
To be specified according to 10 ECTS and consist of various combinations of lectures, seminars, colloquium and laboratory work. This seminar will consist of:
Lectures: 30 hours, Colloquium: 30 hours, Laboratory guidance: 30 hours. This seminar is given in the spring semester.
Assessment methods and course requirements will vary from seminar to seminar. For each seminar it will be chosen an assessment method and course requirements that are academically appropriate. Assessment methods and course requirements for this seminar will be:
Home exam in terms of a short scientific paper counting 100%. Approved assignments give access to the final home exam.
Course requirements: The coursework includes up to 3 written assignments graded "Approved" / "Not approved". Oral presentation of the assignments and demonstration of a working system can be claimed. Mandatory participation in the seminars. Students must expect to prepare for, and give oral presentations of chosen articles in the seminars.
Grading scale: Letter grades A-F.
It will not be given a re-sit examination or new ordinary examination in the teaching free semester for this seminar. Students with valid grounds for absence will be offered a postponed examination for the module in question.